
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

So let's talk about my weekend. My kids apparently do not want me to sleep at all during the night. In the one solid hour of sleep I received on Thursday night, I had the best dream I've had in awhile. It was, ahem, one of -those- dreams. Y'know, *elbows you* *winks* THOSE DREAMS. And it starred that beautiful looking man up there. Yeah, Jon Bernthal from Walking Dead. Totally random ( and the next night I had another one with Jared Leto! Weird, right? But it was Jordan Catallano Jared, not emo Jared.) I didn't want to wake up at all. Sadly, the dream ended in a bad way because what was going on in real life managed to incorporate itself into the dream. So Jon ended up throwing up all over me. Meaning, I woke up to my son throwing up all over me. Yup. He walked into my bedroom, watched me dreaming in my cozy, clean bed. Opened his little mouth, and projectile vomited all over my face. Win.
I cleaned him up, put him back to his bed and then proceeded to clean myself and my own bed up. When I finally laid back down, Beans woke up crying. Not sick, just didn't want a damn thing to do with sleeping. So from 2:30 am until 5am I sat up with him, watching my SVU re runs. Because hey, maybe if I got another hour of sleep, I could have Elliott Stabler visit me in my dreams, right?

So today is Easter. 
Another downfall to being a Railroad Wife, is having to do a lot of holidays either on your own, or not celebrating them on the exact day it occurs. This year I am all alone. I mean yes, I have the kids with me, but no husband, family or friends. I gave the kids their Easter Baskets yesterday because I couldn't wait for them to open their gifts. So we went on a walk with the dog, and as I had them wait in the garage for me, I ran downstairs and grabbed them, placed them out and then took our walk. MJ was so excited, but mostly confused when he opened the door and saw the baskets sitting there. I was all " oh my, the Easter Bunny must have come while we were out on our walk!" He was stoked. So that made me happy to him so excited and in love with his Darth Tater. 
Spending holidays alone isn't fun. Especially when you come from a family that went all out with celebrations for Easter and such. It's just another day in this house. I guess it's okay, seeing as how both of the boys still don't really get what Easter is supposed to be about anyways. I wanted to attend a Church service, but I just couldn't see myself going with two little boys and no help. I think that's what I enjoyed the most growing up, was attending Easter service in the morning. I'm not a big Church goer. It's difficult for us to go as a family because DH ( dear husband, just an FYI) works every other weekend, and when we do have an open weekend, we want to spend it sleeping in or hanging out as a family. But Easter service, along with Christmas Eve service, always makes me feel like I'm at home and my family is with me in spirit. Especially my grandparents, whom both passed. So yeah. It's hard to get used to spending these days alone, but I'm sure I'll be used to it soon enough. And yes, I realize it can be much worse. I'm very blessed to have my own family, a husband, a home. I realize that others aren't so lucky. Yet again, I'm just trying to share what goes on typically in a RR family. 

Just another day in the life of a Railroad Wife. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Life as a Lofthouse (Food Blog): Easter Recipe Ideas

Life as a Lofthouse (Food Blog): Easter Recipe Ideas:   I've gathered a bunch of tasty recipes that would be perfect to serve on Easter Sunday! From main course, to breads, sides and des...

These look amazing.

Cheerio Fail

Mommy has a Potty Mouth posted this yesterday and I had to laugh because when I came home after a long day of errands, I ran upstairs and was running my fingers through my hair in front of the bathroom mirror, when I discovered that I had two cheerios stuck to the back of my head. So yes, I had been walking around grocery stores, department stores and the gas station with cheerios in my hair.
I don't even know how they got there.

Milk Puke

Wow, Yahoo! mail is really making me angry. About a month ago my husband's email was hacked into. Then two weeks ago mine was hacked. That was such a mess because I completely forgot all of my Facebook contacts had been added to my Email list. So about 400+ people received spam email from me. And you know that even though I posted on Facebook that Yes, my email was hacked so if you receive an email from me don't open, blahblahblah. I still had people posting on my wall " Hey, I got a really weird email from you...." UGH.
Then last night I tried to log in to check out some houses my husband sent to me, and it's telling me that I don't have the correct password to enter. Um, I just checked my mail an hour ago, how did it change? And instead of going to easy way and just putting in my recovery email, I decided to do the 2 questions. What city were you born in and what was the make of your first car. Aced the first one, the second one wouldn't take my friggin answer.
So yeah, locked out of my account for 12 hours. This morning I just put in my recovery email and I was set. I think I am changing my email account though.

The awesome thing about having more than one child, and by awesome I mean horrible, is that when one of your kids is sick at night and is up until 5 am throwing up....the other kid is up at the butt crack of dawn and ready to rule the world. Meanwhile, you're face down in your pillow asking God why he's punishing you when you waved that lady through the stop sign yesterday even though it was clearly your turn. Even if my husband had been home, and not in Seattle, I probably would have only woken him up twice to help me though the night. Beans was pretty sick. At 11 o'clock on the dot he woke up gagging. And it wasn't just puke...it was Milk throw up. Which is the absolute worse. I started gagging immediately, and at the same time Beans is still heaving. It sounded like we were having a contest to see who could gag the most.

I don't even know why I bothered changing his bed so many times. By the end of the night, he was so tired that he would dry heave and fall asleep. Then dry heave again and go right back to bed. He ended up in shorts, a t-shirt and no blankets under him. I just couldn't keep going up and down the steps with dirty/clean laundry. He was fine. Both of the boys refuse to sleep with blankets. Like their father, they are ovens. They sweat profusely, even without blankies.

I'm glad we are done with house showings because I am doing nothing today.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Finally made it into my bed. And theres nothing quite like crawling into your own bed only to find a light saber, Darth Piggie, Thor, Iron Man & Hulk all under your blankets.  Thanks MJ.


Today has been an exhausting day. On top of being a SAHM, I have been working on two FB Blogs ( one which keeps me very busy, the other I'm struggling to keep up with), planning for this move, getting stuff together for MOPs, and actually writing down ideas for a book. A BOOK. I have finally decided to start putting my ideas together and maybe began writing. There are a few problems with this though. For one, I don't get much free time. When I do, I'm completely exhausted. But I have found that at night when I am finally able to sit in my bed and hear nothing but complete silence, my thoughts have been clearer than they have in the past. I think it is because Beans has actually been sleeping through the night and I've been getting more sleep. The second problem is, my lap top is dying. I need a replacement badly. So by my calculations, you should all be able to purchase and read a copy by 2019.
We received two offers for the house on Monday. We countered one of them, but they were coming back way below what we wanted both times. So we decided to go back with the first offer. I felt much better about the family that we went with anyway. Which may sound strange to some people, but this family just had something about them. So things are finally on a roll, and will continue that way when my husband goes to look for a house on Friday. We could be in Seattle within a few weeks, and I'm ready to pee my pants I'm that excited. TMI? Maybe. But it's the truth.
The past 48 hours have been crazy as far as blogging goes. As I said, my first Facebook page kept me busy. I have been with this group for over 4 years now. It is an Equality page, just an FYI. I do believe in Marriage Equality. If you don't, that's fine. I don't plan on spending too much of my time discussing it on here because that's not what this blog is about. So please don't leave just because we don't see eye to eye on that subject. I completely respect others beliefs, that is until they become disrespectful to me. I will not debate the subject on here because I will never change my point of view on it. I'm just fore-warning any of you reading this because I want you to know upfront how I feel about it, should it come up again. I'm married to someone who isn't a gay marriage supporter. His family also doesn't believe in it, but I still love them all and respect & value their opinions. It does happen! And believe it or not, even though my husband and I have very different political views, we have an amazing marriage and it makes for awesome conversations. But anyways, I was on Twitter 24-7, ( at least that's what it felt like) checking for updates, pictures, conversations, etc. I loved it, but it wore me out.
The rest of the week I am doing absolute jack crap. The Walking Dead has it's marathon running all week, so there's that. I can't watch any of my usual shows ( Justified, The Following, Community, Office, Spartacus, or Walking Dead) because my husband is not here and he wants to watch them with me. IT SUCKS. I'm training myself not to read reviews/spoilers of the episodes, but it is difficult. I want to know what happens so badly!!!! And then everyone on FB that watches it, usually spoils everything for me. (KELLY)
Easter should be fun. Even though it's just the kids and I, I am really looking forward to them getting their baskets. Especially MJ's!!! Not that I didn't get anything awesome for Beans, because I did. But MJ's basket was easier to put together and it is sooooooo awesome. 
Ok, hafta run. I will be back soon!